Feeling Entrepreneurial? When to start?

Most people are comfortable with the status quo, but they are not happy, nevertheless. Change is difficult, it doesn't matter if it is a good change or a bad one. Take for instance quitting smoking, it is definitely a good change, but it is hard to do.

This is the first episode of Escapade, a podcast, a video program. Escapade is a show that hopefully will inspire people to change to the better. I feel that I am at a stage in my life, age and experience wise, that I have been through many kinds of change. I have been fired, I have been in status quo, and I followed my passion, although I guess it was the wrong one. I have reflected on my journey a lot, and I myself am looking for change. This is my effort to share my experiences, and the experiences of others who have been through adventurous, or even foolish at the surface, journeys.

My journey was not that exciting. I was always careful in my choices, I didn't have massive failures, or this is what I think professionally at least; my wife would probably disagree with me on the personal front! I finished school, went and applied for a job, and then from one job to the next. Onto my MBAs, and now pursuing my Doctoral post graduate degree. Kept getting promoted at work, which has been so good to me, it felt like I am living my passion. I'm very grateful to every moment and every person that was on my way so far, I have no complains or regrets. My story is, I don't have one! and if you don't have a story, and you are content, then I envy you.

I am excited about this, I hope I will be able to write a new chapter for me, but also share it with you, so you can write yours as well. I hope you learn something, anything from this series. So let's go...



Why you should invest in a metaverse, NOW!


A letter to my younger self