The GCC and the dependency on Oil

For the GCC, reducing dependency on oil and gas is an imperative and an ambition, particularly in this post-pandemic era.

🌍 From confronting environmental concerns to strategizing economic diversification, these governments have taken it on themselves, charting their paths with carefully crafted strategic plans.

🤝 Yet, it's crucial to remember that these plans won't transform into reality without the full engagement and commitment of organizations.

🌱 In fact, I'd argue that it is the organizations, steered by forward-thinking leaders like you, that hold the key to actualizing these aspirations.

📈 Your businesses' contribution to GDP, job creation, tax revenue, and innovation are not just important - they are instrumental to the success of our shared ambition to reduce dependency on oil and gas in the region.

❓ But, how are we faring? Are organizations across the GCC truly stepping up to this challenge? Or are we leaving this colossal task solely to the governments?

🗣 I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. How is your organization contributing to this shift? What challenges are you facing? And how can we, as a community of leaders, work together to make this vision a reality?


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