Explore transformative engagements like "open innovation," "innovation culture," "accelerated innovation," and "design thinking" to unlock corporate potential. Empower team members with these essential concepts, fostering collaboration, creativity, and securing a competitive edge in today's dynamic business landscape.

Accelerating Innovation





This engagement covers topics such as leadership, communication, risk-taking, and continuous improvement. The discussion will dive deep into how to foster an environment that encourages creativity, experimentation, collaboration, and drives business success.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Innovation Culture: and why it's essential for business success.

Overview of Innovation Culture: the key elements of an innovation culture, such as risk-taking, collaboration, experimentation, and continuous learning.

Identifying Cultural Barriers: to innovation within the organization, such as bureaucracy, fear of failure, and lack of resources.

Evening Session:

Building an Innovation Mindset: by focusing on creativity, curiosity, and open-mindedness.

Innovation Leadership: can foster an innovation culture by setting the tone, creating a safe space for experimentation, and empowering their teams.

Innovation Metrics: how to measure the impact of an innovation culture and track progress over time.


Morning Session:

Innovation Strategy: alignment with the overall corporate strategy.

Customer-Centric Innovation: putting the customer at the center of the innovation process and how to use customer feedback to drive innovation.

Ideation Techniques: to generate and prioritize innovative ideas.

Evening Session:

Design Thinking: introduction to the process and how it can be used to create customer-centric solutions.

Prototyping and Testing: the ideas quickly and effectively using low-fidelity prototypes and how to iterate based on user feedback.

Innovation Ecosystem: by engaging with external stakeholders such as customers, partners, and startups using the Open Innovation principals.


Morning Session:

Innovation Implementation: by considering factors such as feasibility, viability, and desirability.

Innovation Culture Assessment: how to assess the organization's current innovation culture and identify areas for improvement.

Creating an Innovation Culture Action Plan: for building and sustaining an innovation culture in the organization.

Evening Session:

Apply Innovation Culture Techniques: to a relevant business challenge in their organization.

Discussion and Feedback

Closing, Reflections and Next Steps: for implementing an innovation culture in their organization.



How does a culture of innovation help accelerate the innovation process? What other factors contribute to accelerating innovation? The discussion covers topics such as the mindset, the process and the execution. Participants will learn how to accelerate the innovation process and bring new products, services, and processes to market faster.


Morning Session:

Introduction to innovation: and its importance in driving business growth.

Overview of the innovation process: and its different stages.

Identifying innovation opportunities: within the organization and prioritize them based on potential impact.

Evening Session:

Design thinking for innovation: as a methodology for accelerating innovation and the key principles and stages of the process.

Understanding user needs: through user research to gain a better understanding of the target audience.

Defining the problem statement: clear, concise and addresses the needs of the users.


Morning Session:

Ideation techniques for generating creative solutions: and selecting the best ones to move forward with, fast.

Prototyping and iteration techniques: to test ideas quickly and effectively using low-fidelity prototypes and user feedback.

User testing and feedback gathering: to refine the prototypes.

Evening Session:

Accelerating implementation strategies: considering factors such as feasibility, viability, and desirability.

Creating an innovation culture: and encourage employees to share ideas and experiment.

Innovation metrics and tracking: progress over time.


Morning Session:

Innovation leadership: its role in accelerating innovation effectively through the innovation process.

Innovation ecosystem: building an environment conducive to innovation and creativity, touching on the Open Innovation and its role in accelerating innovation.

Innovation case studies: of successful accelerated innovation initiatives in other organizations and demonstrate the potential impact of fast innovation.

Evening Session:

Apply Accelerated innovation techniques: to a relevant business challenge in the organization.

Discussion, feedback and suggestions.

Creating an action plan for accelerating innovation in the organization.



This engagement discusses with participants how to leverage external resources and expertise to drive innovation within their organizations. The discussion covers topics such as crowd sourcing, co-creation, open data, and intellectual property management. Participants will learn how to collaborate with external partners to identify and develop innovative solutions to business challenges.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Open Innovation: how it is different from traditional closed innovation.

Overview of Open Innovation: types of open innovation, such as inbound, outbound, and coupled, and how they can be applied to business.

Benefits of Open Innovation: such as access to external knowledge, reduced costs, and accelerated time to market.

Identifying Innovation Challenges: within the organization and how open innovation can help overcome them.

Evening Session:

Building an Open Innovation Mindset: by focusing on collaboration, networking, and co-creation.

Innovation Leadership: fostering an open innovation culture by setting the tone, creating a safe space for collaboration, and empowerment.

Innovation Metrics: how to measure the impact of open innovation and track progress over time.


Morning Session:

Open Innovation Strategy: align open innovation strategy with overall strategy and goals.

Partner Selection and Collaboration: identify and select the right partners and establish effective collaboration with them.

Intellectual Property Management: manage intellectual property in the context of open innovation, including issues related to ownership, licensing, and protection.

Evening Session:

Crowdsourcing and Innovation Contests: to be used to generate ideas and solve business challenges, and how to manage them effectively.

Open Innovation Ecosystem: create an open innovation ecosystem by engaging with external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, startups, and academia.


Morning Session:

Innovation Implementation: considering factors such as trust, communication, and governance.

Open Innovation Culture Assessment: assess the organization's current open innovation culture and identify areas for improvement.

Creating an Open Innovation Action Plan: for building and sustaining an open innovation culture in the organization.

Evening Session:

Apply Open Innovation Techniques: to a relevant business challenge in their organization.

Presentation and Feedback

Closing, Reflections and Next Steps



The "From Inventions to Innovations" engagement is designed for corporate leaders to discuss how to turn innovative ideas into tangible outcomes for their organizations. The discussion covers topics such as ideation, validation, commercialization, and performance measurement. Participants will learn how to develop an innovation strategy that aligns with business goals and drives growth and competitiveness.


Morning Session:

Introduction to the innovation process: its importance in driving business growth.

Overview of inventions and innovations: the difference between them, and the role they play in driving business growth.

Identifying invention opportunities: within the organization and prioritize them based on potential impact.

Evening Session:

From invention to innovation: focusing on aspects such as identifying the user need, building a prototype, testing the prototype, and scaling the innovation.

Identifying user needs: and prioritizing them to create an innovative solution.

Defining the problem statement: a clear and concise problem statement that addresses the needs of the users.


Morning Session:

Innovation processes and methodologies: such as design thinking and lean startup, to help them develop an innovation mindset and approach.

Ideation techniques: for generating a wide range of ideas and selecting the best ones to move forward with.

Prototyping and iteration techniques: quickly and effectively using low-fidelity prototypes, and how to iterate based on user feedback.

Evening Session:

Innovation implementation strategies: considering factors such as feasibility, viability, and desirability.

Creating an innovation culture: within the organization to encourage employees to share ideas and experiments.

Innovation metrics and tracking: to measure the impact of the innovation efforts and track progress over time.


Morning Session:

Intellectual Property (IP) and patents: including the types of patents, how to file for a patent, and how to protect IP.

Commercialization and monetization: such as licensing, partnerships, and direct sales.

Innovation case studies: of successful invention to innovation initiatives in other organizations to inspire and demonstrate the potential impact of innovation.

Evening Session:

Apply innovation techniques: to a relevant business challenge in the organization.

Discussion and feedback.

Creating an action plan for driving invention to innovation in the organization.



Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that emphasizes empathy, experimentation, and collaboration. This engagement would discuss the use of design thinking to generate innovative solutions to organizational challenges. It would cover the design thinking process, including empathy mapping, ideation, prototyping, and user testing, and how this process can be used to drive innovation.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Design Thinking and its relevance to innovation: the importance of empathy, and how design thinking can be used to drive innovation.

Key principles of Design Thinking: such as human-centeredness, collaboration, experimentation, and iteration.

Overview of the Design Thinking process: and its different stages.

Evening Session:

Understanding user needs and creating user personas: how to conduct user research and create user personas to gain a better understanding of the target audience.

Defining the problem statement: that addresses the needs of the users.

Ideation techniques for generating creative solutions: and selecting the best ones to move forward with.


Morning Session:

Prototyping and iteration techniques: quickly and effectively using low-fidelity prototypes, and user feedback.

User testing and feedback gathering: to refine the prototypes.

Refining solutions based on feedback: to refine the solutions.

Evening Session:

Implementation strategies for successful adoption: considering factors such as feasibility, viability, and desirability.

Integration of Design Thinking in organizational culture: to foster innovation and collaboration.

Case studies of successful Design Thinking applications: to inspire them and demonstrate the potential impact of the process.


Morning Session:

Design Thinking application in a specific corporate context: apply Design Thinking to a relevant business challenge in the organization.

Evening Session:

Presentation and feedback: on the solutions explored.

Creating an action plan for implementing Design Thinking in the organization.

Closing and wrap-up: final questions and reflections