Leadership and culture are two faces of the same coin. Leaders are born, but many real-world examples and scientific evidence tell us they are also made. Leadership is the skill of knowing when to step in, and when to leave people alone. Leaders are coaches, empathetic listeners, and culture designers. They embrace change through their ability to simultaneously think strategically and tactically. They are the creators of an environment which is conducive of innovation.

Leadership Skills





Emotional intelligence is a critical skill for effective leadership, which this engagement focuses on highlighting. It discusses with leaders how they can understand and manage their own emotions and how to build positive relationships with their team members.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence: and how it relates to personal and professional success.

The Four Components of EI: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, and how to develop these skills.

Benefits of EI: such as improved communication, better decision-making, and stronger relationships.

Evening Session:

Understanding Emotions: and how they impact behavior, decision-making, and relationships.

Self-Awareness: by recognizing one's own emotions and how they influence their thoughts and actions.

Self-Management skills: regulating emotions, staying positive, and adapting to change.


Morning Session:

Social Awareness: by recognizing and understanding the emotions of others, and how to respond appropriately.

Relationship Management: communicating effectively, building trust, and resolving conflicts.

EI in Leadership: apply EI skills in leadership, including leading by example, inspiring and motivating others, and building strong teams.

Evening Session:

EI in Sales and Marketing: including understanding customer emotions, building rapport, and resolving conflicts.

EI in Customer Service: including understanding and empathizing with customer emotions and resolving complaints.

EI in Team Building: including building trust, fostering collaboration, and resolving conflicts.


Morning Session:

Emotional Intelligence and Diversity, Equity, Equality and Inclusion (DEEI): including recognizing and valuing diversity, understanding different perspectives, and creating an inclusive workplace.

EI Assessment and Development: and how to develop an action plan for improvement.

Personal Branding: how to use EI skills to develop a strong personal brand and enhance professional reputation.

Evening Session:

Apply EI Skills: and strategies to a relevant business challenge in the organization.

Reflection, Feedback and Next Steps: for applying EI in personal and professional contexts.



Strategic leadership focuses on developing the knowledge and skills needed to set and execute a vision for the organization. This engagement discusses how to identify opportunities and challenges, formulate strategies, and lead teams in executing these strategies.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Strategic Leadership: and how it differs from traditional leadership.

Strategic Thinking: and how to develop this skill.

Vision and Mission: create and communicate a clear vision and mission for the organization.

Evening Session:

Environmental Analysis: to identify opportunities and threats that can impact their organization.

Strategic Planning: that aligns with their organization's vision and mission.


Morning Session:

Organizational Structure: that supports the organization's strategic goals.

Effective Resource Allocation: to achieve the organization’s strategic goals.

Effective Change Management: to implement strategic initiatives.

Evening Session:

Leading Teamsto achieve their organization's strategic goals.

Motivating and Inspiring: team members to contribute to the organization's success.

Performance Management: to ensure that team members are aligned with the organization's strategic goals.


Morning Session:

Stakeholder Engagement: to ensure that the organization's strategic goals are aligned with their needs and expectations.

Risk Management: identify and manage risks that can impact the organization's strategic goals.

Foster Innovation and Creativity: to drive strategic growth.

Evening Session:

Effective Communication: with stakeholders to build support for the organization's strategic goals.

Ethical Leadership: to build trust and credibility with stakeholders.

Reflections and Feedback



Creating and maintain a positive organizational culture is no walk in the park. Culture assessment, corporate values alignment, communication, and change management will be discussed,  in addition to promoting engagement, productivity, and innovation.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Organizational Culture:

Defining organizational culture and its importance.

Key terminology and concepts.

The role of organizational culture in corporate strategy.

Global trends and drivers of cultural change.

Models and Frameworks for Assessing Organizational Culture:

Overview of various culture models and frameworks (e.g., Edgar Schein, Hofstede, Denison, Competing Values Framework).

Analyzing the dimensions and characteristics of organizational culture.

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of different models and frameworks.

Choosing the right approach for your organization.

Evening Session:

Conducting a Comprehensive Organizational Culture Assessment:

Designing and executing a culture assessment process.

Collecting data through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations.

Analyzing and interpreting assessment results.

Identifying cultural strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.


Morning Session:

Aligning Culture with Strategy, Vision, and Values:

Ensuring your organization's culture supports its strategic objectives.

Crafting a compelling vision, mission, and values statement.

Engaging stakeholders in the cultural alignment process.

Identifying and addressing cultural misalignments.

Driving Cultural Change through Leadership and Communication:

The role of leadership in shaping and influencing organizational culture.

Developing a communication strategy for cultural change initiatives.

Overcoming resistance to change and managing conflict

Building and sustaining momentum for cultural transformation.

Evening Session:

Implementing Culture Change Initiatives:

Identifying and prioritizing culture change initiatives.

Developing a detailed implementation plan and timeline.

Allocating resources and establishing performance metrics.

Monitoring progress and adjusting the plan as needed.


Morning Session:

Measuring the Impact of Culture Change Initiatives:

Developing performance measurement frameworks for culture change initiatives.

Tracking progress and evaluating results against objectives.

Adapting and refining culture change strategies based on performance data.

Ensuring ongoing alignment with evolving market conditions and stakeholder needs.

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Improvement and Learning:

Encouraging a growth mindset and embracing change.

Promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing, and cross-functional communication.

Recognizing and rewarding cultural champions and role models.

Instilling a sense of ownership and accountability for cultural progress

Evening Session:

Case Studies and Lessons Learned:

In-depth analysis of successful organizational culture assessment and change examples.



Change is a constant in today's business environment, and leaders need to be able to manage it effectively. This engagement discusses with leaders how to plan and execute change initiatives, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and manage resistance to change.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Change Management: and the reasons why change initiatives fail.

Understanding Change: and its impact on individuals, teams, and the organization.

Change Management Frameworks: including Kotter's 8-step model and Lewin's change management model.

Evening Session:

Developing a Change Management Plan: that addresses the key elements of change, including communication, stakeholder engagement, and risk management.

Change Readiness: strategies to address any gaps.


Morning Session:

Managing Resistance to Change: and develop strategies to overcome it.

Communication Strategies: to build support for the change initiative.

Managing Stakeholders: and build their commitment to the change initiative.

Evening Session:

Training and Development: programs to support the change initiative.

Reinforcing the Change: and ensure that it becomes embedded in the organization's culture.

Monitoring and Evaluating Change: to ensure that it achieves its objectives.


Morning Session:

Change Leadership: and develop the skills required to be a change leader.

Change Management Tools: including project management software, communication tools, and risk management tools.

Change Management Case Studies: review and analyze real-world change management case studies to understand how organizations have successfully managed change.

Evening Session:

Develop a change management plan for an actual change initiative.



Coaching and mentoring are essential skills for leaders who want to develop the potential of their team members. This engagement discusses with leaders how to provide feedback, set goals, and provide guidance and support to help team members grow and develop.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Coaching and Mentorship: and their impact on organizational performance.

The Differences between Coaching and Mentorship: and the benefits of each approach.

Coaching and Mentorship Models: and their applicability to different situations.

Evening Session:

The Role of a Coach: including how to establish trust, set goals, provide feedback, and measure progress.

The Role of a Mentor: including how to provide guidance, share experiences, and offer feedback.


Morning Session:

Coaching and Mentorship Skills: including active listening, questioning, empathy, and rapport building.

Giving and Receiving Feedback: including how to provide constructive criticism and positive reinforcement.

Evening Session:

Coaching and Mentorship in Action: practice coaching and mentorship skills, using case studies and real-life scenarios.

Developing a Coaching and Mentorship Plan: that addresses the needs of the organization and employees.


Morning Session:

Coaching and Mentorship Program Implementation: within the organization, including how to select coaches and mentors, train them, and measure their effectiveness.

Overcoming Challenges: including resistance to change and lack of resources.

Evening Session:

Reflections, feedback and building a Personal Action Plan: to apply what was discussed during the engagement.