Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Culture is the biggest driver for radical innovation. Culture is the cornerstone for a thriving business. Culture and leadership are two faces of the same coin! Dive into a fascinating exploration of cultural transformation as these engagements discuss diversity, performance, global expansion, innovation, values alignment, and communication strategies, all converging to orchestrate organizational success.

Harmonious Organisational Culture





This engagement focuses on aligning the values of the organization with the values of its employees. The discussion touches on how to articulate the organization's values, identify gaps between these values and the values of employees, and develop strategies for aligning the two.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Values Alignment: its importance in achieving organizational goals.

Identifying Organizational Values: define the organization's core values, and the process of aligning individual values with organizational values.

Case Studies: of companies with successful values alignment and discuss the impact on their success.

Evening Session:

Identifying Individual Values: how they align with the values of the organization.

Communicating Values: the importance of values alignment to their team members and colleagues.


Morning Session:

Values-Based Decision Making: how to use the organization's values as a guide for decision-making, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.

Role-Playing: practice using values-based decision making in different scenarios, including difficult conversations with team members and stakeholders.

Evening Session:

Values-Based Leadership: How it can drive organizational success, the skills needed to become a values-based leader.

Case Studies: analyze case studies of successful values-based leaders and discuss the impact on their organizations.


Morning Session:

Embedding Values in Organizational Culture: including developing policies and procedures that support values alignment.

Developing a Values Alignment Plan:

including strategies for implementation, communication, and measurement.

Evening Session:

Practical Activity:

develop a values-based initiative for the organization.

Personal Action Plan:

apply what have been discussed during the engagement to personal and professional contexts.



This engagement focuses on promoting a culture of performance excellence within the organization. The discussion will be around how to set clear expectations through relevant goals, provide feedback, recognize and reward high performers, and address underperformance.


Morning Session:

Performance Management: Definition, Objectives, Importance, alignment with organizational goals, benefits And key elements.

Performance planning and goal setting: Monitoring and feedback, Performance appraisal and evaluation, Development and improvement.

Evening Session:

Performance Metrics and KPIs: Selecting relevant and actionable metrics, Setting SMART goals.Aligning KPIs with organizational strategy.

Case Study: Performance Management in a Multinational Context, Identifying best practices and areas for improvement


Morning Session:

Cultural Considerations in Performance Management: diversity, different regions, cultures and overcoming cultural barriers

Designing a Performance Management System: A Step-by-Step Guide, Conducting a needs analysis. Developing a performance management framework. Implementing the system: roles and responsibilities.

Evening Session:

Performance Appraisal and Feedback: Selecting appropriate appraisal methods. Best practices for providing constructive feedback. Managing difficult conversations.

Designing a Performance Management System: A practical dialogue to design a performance management system tailored to the organization's needs.


Morning Session:

Performance Management and Continuous Improvement: Identifying opportunities for growth and development, Encouraging a culture of learning and innovation.

Change Management in Performance Management Implementation: Understanding resistance to change, Building buy-in and commitment, Strategies for effective change management.

Evening Session:

Monitoring and Evaluating Performance Management Systems: Utilizing data to drive decision-making, Adapting and refining the system based on feedback and results.

Integrating Technology in Performance Management: Leveraging technology to streamline processes and enhance insights.



This engagement discusses diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizational culture. It allows participants to have a dialogue about implicit biases, systemic discrimination, and the importance of creating an environment that values diversity and fosters inclusivity.


Morning Session:

Defining DEEI: Introduction to key concepts, The importance of DEEI in the workplace, The benefits and challenges of fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. Real-life examples and case studies.

Unconscious Bias and Stereotypes: Definition and impact of unconscious bias, Types of unconscious biases, Strategies to identify and address unconscious bias.

Evening Session:

The Business Case for DEEI: The link between DEEI and organizational performance, Attracting and retaining talent, Enhancing creativity, innovation, and decision-making, Improving customer satisfaction and market reach.

DEEI Legislation and Best Practices: Relevant laws and regulations, Industry benchmarks and best practices, Company policies and code of conduct.


Morning Session:

Inclusive Leadership: The role of leaders in fostering DEEI, Characteristics of inclusive leaders, Strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in decision-making.

Building a DEEI Strategy: Aligning DEEI with corporate strategy, Setting goals and objectives, Developing a DEEI action plan.

Evening Session:

Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion: Bias-free recruitment and selection processes, Inclusive onboarding and integration, Equitable performance management and promotion.

Developing a DEEI Culture: Fostering a sense of belonging, Encouraging open dialogue and feedback, Addressing microaggressions and conflict resolution, Creating a psychologically safe environment.


Morning Session:

Training and Development: Importance of ongoing DEEI training, Types of training programs (e.g., sensitivity training, allyship, etc.), Evaluating training effectiveness, Designing a DEEI training program.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Mentoring: The role of ERGs in promoting DEEI, Setting up and managing ERGs, Mentoring and sponsorship programs, Developing an ERG or mentoring program.

Evening Session:

Case Studies and Lessons Learned:

In-depth analysis of successful organizational culture assessment and change examples.



Promoting a culture of effective communication and collaboration within the organization is what this engagement targets. The discussion will touch on how to improve communication skills, build trust and respect among team members, and develop strategies for effective collaboration.


Morning Session:

The Art of Effective Communication: Basics of verbal and non-verbal communication, Active listening and empathy, Communication styles. Assertiveness and self-expression.

Collaboration through Communication: Elements of successful collaboration, Communication tools and techniques for teamwork, Building trust within a team.

Evening Session:

Conflict Resolution Fundamentals: Understanding the root causes of conflict, Conflict resolution styles and strategies, The role of communication in conflict resolution.

Real-World Communication Scenarios.


Morning Session:

Building High-Performance Teams: Elements of high-performing teams, Aligning individual strengths and goals, Fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Collaborative Decision-Making: Techniques for effective brainstorming, Decision-making tools and methodologies, Overcoming groupthink and fostering diversity of thought.

Evening Session:

Navigating Conflict within Teams: Identifying and addressing team dysfunction, Techniques for managing difficult conversations. Resolving team conflicts in a constructive manner.

Team Building Activities.


Morning Session:

Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management: Understanding the role of emotions in conflict, Developing emotional self-awareness and self-regulation, Utilizing empathy to foster stronger relationships.

Effective Negotiation Techniques: Principles of win-win negotiation, Identifying and leveraging BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), Enhancing negotiation skills through communication.

Evening Session:

Building a Conflict-Resilient Culture: Recognizing and addressing organizational conflict, Establishing a culture of open communication and feedback, Implementing conflict resolution practices in the workplace.

Role Plays and Case Studies



Promoting a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization is a topic that gained traction recently. This engagement equips leaders with the knowledge, tools, and strategies required to foster a culture of innovation and creativity, thereby driving growth, and long-term success.


Morning Session:

Defining Innovation and Creativity: Differentiating between innovation and creativity,Types of innovation: incremental, disruptive, and breakthrough, The importance of innovation and creativity for organizational success.

The Innovation Ecosystem: Internal and external factors that drive innovation, The role of leadership in fostering innovation, Collaboration and cross-functional teamwork.

Evening Session:

Creativity and the Brain: The neuroscience of creativity, Enhancing creative thinking through mindfulness and cognitive techniques,

Innovative Multinational Organizations: Analyzing real-life examples of innovation success, Identifying best practices and common challenges.


Morning Session:

Building an Innovative Culture: Key elements of an innovative organizational culture, Overcoming barriers to innovation, Encouraging risk-taking and learning from failure.

Design Thinking and Creative Problem Solving: Introduction to design thinking, The five stages of design thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test, Applying design thinking to a real-world challenge.

Evening Session:

Open Innovation and Co-creation: Collaborating with external stakeholders for innovation, Strategies for successful open innovation initiatives.

Ideation Workshop: Generate innovative ideas for the organization, Techniques for effective brainstorming and idea selection.


Morning Session:

From Idea to Execution: Managing Innovation Projects: The innovation project lifecycle, Portfolio management and resource allocation, Monitoring and measuring innovation success.

Agile and Lean Innovation: Agile principles and methodologies for innovation, Lean startup methodology for rapid experimentation and learning, Applying agile and lean principles to your organization.

Evening Session:

Leading Change and Overcoming Resistance: The role of leadership in driving innovation and change, Strategies for overcoming resistance and building buy-in.

Integrating Technology and Digital Transformation: The role of technology in driving innovation, Identifying opportunities for digital transformation, Leveraging emerging technologies and trends.




This engagement discusses the cultural and economic factors that can impact international business expansion. It covers cross-cultural communication, market analysis, regulatory compliance, and risk management. Navigate complex international business environments and maximize all chances of success.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Macro Culture: Define macro culture and explain its significance for international business expansion. An overview of the most common macro cultural differences, including communication styles, attitudes towards hierarchy, and approaches to decision-making.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ): The concept of cultural intelligence and its importance for international business. Develop cultural intelligence to be more effective in cross-cultural situations.

Evening Session:

Country and Regional Briefing: Macro cultural differences in the regions or countries where the organization is planning to expand.

Highlight key areas where cultural differences can impact business operations, such as communication, negotiation, and decision-making.


Morning Session:

Developing a Macro Culture Strategy: Develop a macro culture strategy for international business expansion. Discuss the importance of aligning macro culture with the organization's mission, vision, and values.

Communication Strategies: Communication strategies for navigating macro cultural differences. Adapt their communication styles to be more effective in different cultural contexts.

Evening Session:

Cross-Cultural Teamwork: Practical strategies for managing cross-cultural teams.

Build trust, manage conflict, and foster collaboration across different cultural backgrounds.


Morning Session:

Case Studies: Case studies of successful and unsuccessful international business expansions. Analyze the macro cultural factors that contributed to success or failure.

Action Planning:

Develop action plans for your own international business expansion.

Evening Session:

Reflection and Feedback

Group discussion on the learnings from the engagement.

Feedback and suggestions