Embark on our transformative voyage, a dynamic fusion of strategic planning, scenario exploration, business model innovation, mergers and acquisitions, and innovation strategy. This engagement program unveils untapped potential while preparing you for the ever-changing business landscape.

Strategy Development Session





Exploring alternative futures and developing strategies to address potential challenges and opportunities is a key skill that is taken for granted by most leaders. This engagement discusses how to identify key uncertainties, develop scenarios, and create contingency plans for each scenario.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Scenario Planning and Strategic Foresight: Understanding scenario planning and its importance, Key terminology and concepts, The role of strategic foresight in corporate strategy, Global trends and drivers of change.

Identifying Critical Uncertainties and Driving Forces: Assessing the external environment (PESTLE analysis), Identifying critical uncertainties and key driving forces, Analyzing the potential impact of global megatrends, Assessing organizational capabilities and vulnerabilities.

Evening Session:

Creating Scenario Frameworks: Developing plausible and diverse scenarios, Creating axes of uncertainty and scenario matrices, Building detailed narratives for each scenario, Ensuring the relevance and robustness of scenarios.


Morning Session:

Using Scenarios for Strategic Planning and Decision-Making: Applying scenarios to strategic planning processes, Identifying strategic options and evaluating their implications, Assessing risks and opportunities across scenarios, Prioritizing strategic initiatives based on scenario outcomes.

Incorporating Technology and Innovation in Scenario Planning: Identifying emerging technologies and their potential impact, Assessing the role of innovation in shaping future scenarios, Evaluating the strategic implications of digital disruption, Future-proofing your organization through technology adoption.

Evening Session:

Scenario Planning and Organizational Culture: Fostering a culture of strategic foresight and adaptability, Encouraging collaborative scenario development, Building organizational resilience through learning and experimentation, Aligning leadership and decision-making processes with scenario planning.


Morning Session:

Implementing Scenario Planning in Your Organization: Developing a tailored scenario planning process, Integrating scenario planning into existing strategic planning frameworks, Ensuring stakeholder buy-in and commitment, Establishing a scenario planning team and governance structure.

Monitoring and Updating Scenarios: Tracking relevant indicators and signals, Periodically reviewing and refining scenarios, Incorporating new data and insights into scenario planning, Adapting strategic plans based on evolving scenarios.

Evening Session:

Case Studies and Lessons Learned: In-depth analysis of successful strategic planning examples, Identifying best practices and common pitfalls, Group discussion and reflection on key lessons learned, Developing a personalized strategic planning playbook for your organization



The focus of this engagement is on developing innovative business models that can help the organization achieve its strategic objectives. The discussion will be about different types of business models, how to identify opportunities for innovation, and how to test and refine new business models.


Morning Session:

Understanding Business Models: Defining business models and their importance, Components of a business model, The role of business model innovation in organizational success.

Analyzing Your Organization's Business Model: Assessing the current business model's strengths and weaknesses, Identifying opportunities for innovation and improvement, Benchmarking against industry best practices and successful business models.

Evening Session:

Exploring Business Model Patterns: Studying various business model patterns and archetypes, Analyzing case studies of successful business model innovations, Identifying patterns relevant to your organization's context.

Customer-Centric Business Model Design: Emphasizing customer needs and value propositions, Exploring customer segments and their preferences, Designing customer-centric solutions.


Morning Session:

Business Model Canvas and Prototyping: Utilizing the Business Model Canvas to visualize and design business models, Developing and refining business model prototypes, Testing assumptions and validating ideas with stakeholders.

Leveraging Digital Technologies and Platforms: Understanding the impact of digital transformation on business models, Exploring opportunities for digital-enabled innovation, Integrating digital platforms and ecosystems into your business model.

Evening Session:

Building Strategic Partnerships and Ecosystems: Identifying potential partners for collaboration and value creation, Designing mutually beneficial partnership models, Fostering a collaborative ecosystem to support business model innovation.

Change Management and Organizational Alignment: Overcoming resistance and barriers to business model innovation, Aligning the organization around the new business model, Implementing change management strategies to ensure smooth transitions.


Morning Session:

Measuring Business Model Performance: Key performance indicators (KPIs) for business model innovation success, Monitoring and evaluating the impact of business model changes, Adjusting the business model based on feedback and performance data.

Scaling and Adapting Business Models: Expanding the innovative business model to other markets or segments, Adapting the business model to evolving customer needs and market conditions, Embracing continuous business model experimentation and learning.

Evening Session:

Building a Culture of Business Model Innovation: Encouraging an entrepreneurial mindset within the organization, Fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and adaptability, Empowering employees to contribute ideas and drive innovation.

Panel Discussion and Best Practices Sharing: Invited experts and attendees share their experiences and insights on business model innovation, Open discussion on challenges and opportunities in specific industries and contexts, Identifying emerging trends and best practices in business model innovation.



This engagement focuses on the process of evaluating and executing mergers and acquisitions as a strategy for growth. The discussion will allow leaders to identify potential targets, conduct due diligence, negotiate deals, and integrate acquired companies.


Morning Session:

Foundations of Organizational Culture: Defining organizational culture, Elements of organizational culture, Importance of organizational culture in M&A.

Cultural Due Diligence: Assessing the target company's culture, Identifying cultural synergies and potential clashes, Utilizing cultural assessments and audits.

Evening Session:

M&A Culture Case Studies: Analysis of successful and unsuccessful M&A cultural integrations, Common pitfalls and lessons learned.

M&A Cultural Integration Framework: Designing a strategic cultural integration plan, Aligning values, practices, and systems.


Morning Session:

Change Management Principles: ,Role of change management in M&A, Key components of a successful change management strategy.

Communicating Effectively During M&A: Importance of transparent communication, Communication strategies for various stakeholder groups, Addressing and overcoming communication challenges.

Evening Session:

Building a Unified Leadership Team: Aligning leadership styles and goals, Fostering collaboration and trust among leaders, Developing a shared vision and mission.

Employee Engagement and Retention: Addressing employee concerns and uncertainty, Strategies for maintaining employee morale and productivity, Identifying and nurturing talent during the integration process.


Morning Session:

Measuring Cultural Integration Success: Key performance indicators (KPIs) for cultural integration, Monitoring and evaluating progress, Adapting the integration plan based on feedback and results.

Addressing Cultural Resistance: Identifying signs of cultural resistance, Strategies for overcoming resistance and fostering cultural alignment, Building a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.

Evening Session:

Sustaining the New Organizational Culture: Embedding the new culture into daily operations, Nurturing a strong and inclusive culture through leadership, Reinforcing the desired culture through recognition and rewards,

Panel Discussion and Best Practices Sharing: Invited experts and attendees share their experiences and insights on cultural integration in M&A, Open discussion on challenges and opportunities in specific industries and contexts.



This engagement targets the process of developing a corporate strategy. The discussion will be with leaders on how to assess the external environment, identify strengths and weaknesses, set strategic goals and objectives, and develop action plans to achieve them.


Morning Session:

Introduction to Strategic Planning: Defining strategic planning and its importance, Key terminology and concepts, The role of strategic planning in corporate strategy, Global trends and drivers of change.

Assessing the Internal and External Environment: Conducting a comprehensive internal assessment (e.g., resources, capabilities, culture), Analyzing the external environment (e.g., PESTLE analysis, Porter's Five Forces), Identifying opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses (SWOT analysis), Assessing the competitive landscape and market dynamics

Evening Session:

Developing a Strategic Vision and Mission: Crafting a compelling vision and mission for your organization, Aligning vision and mission with corporate values and culture, Setting strategic objectives and priorities, Engaging stakeholders and communicating the strategic vision


Morning Session:

Strategy Formulation: Choosing the Right Path: Identifying and evaluating strategic options (e.g., growth, diversification, consolidation), Assessing risks and opportunities associated with each strategic option, Making informed decisions based on data and insights, Aligning strategic choices with organizational capabilities and resources.

Strategy Execution: Turning Plans into Action: Developing a detailed implementation roadmap and action plan, Defining roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities for execution, Allocating resources and establishing performance metrics, Managing change and addressing barriers to implementation

Evening Session:

Performance Management and Continuous Improvement: Designing a performance management framework for strategic initiatives, Tracking progress and evaluating results against objectives, Adjusting strategy based on performance data and market feedback, Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.


Morning Session:

Innovation and Technology in Strategic Planning: Identifying and leveraging emerging technologies and trends for strategic advantage, Incorporating innovation and digital transformation in strategic planning, Assessing the strategic implications of technology adoption and disruption, Developing future-proof strategies and building organizational resilience.

Culture, Leadership, and Stakeholder Engagement: The role of organizational culture and leadership in strategic planning, Engaging stakeholders and fostering buy-in throughout the planning process, Overcoming resistance to change and managing conflict, Communicating strategy effectively to internal and external stakeholders.

Evening Session:

Case Studies and Lessons Learned: In-depth analysis of successful strategic planning examples, Identifying best practices and common pitfalls, Group discussion and reflection on key lessons learned, Developing a personalized strategic planning playbook for your organization.



Developing an innovation strategy that supports the organization's strategic goals is mostly lost between the corporate strategy discussions, and the different business strategies for its strategic departments. This engagement targets different types of innovation, how to identify and prioritize innovation opportunities, and how to align innovation initiatives with the organization's overall strategy.


Morning Session:

Understanding Innovation: Defining innovation and its importance, Types of innovation (incremental, radical, disruptive), The role of innovation in organizational growth and competitiveness.

Analyzing Your Organization's Innovation Landscape: Assessing your organization's current innovation capabilities, Identifying gaps and areas for improvement, Benchmarking against industry best practices.

Evening Session:

Building an Innovation Culture: Fostering a culture of experimentation and learning, Encouraging collaboration and cross-functional teamwork, Empowering employees to drive innovation.

Establishing an Innovation Management Framework: Identifying innovation goals and objectives, Defining innovation processes and decision-making structures, Aligning innovation strategy with overall business objectives.


Morning Session:

Identifying Opportunities for Innovation: Understanding customer needs and market trends, Exploring new technologies and industry disruptions, Leveraging internal resources and capabilities.

Design Thinking and Agile Methodologies: Applying design thinking to foster innovation, Adopting agile methodologies for rapid experimentation and iteration, Collaborating with cross-functional teams for effective problem-solving.

Evening Session:

Building an Innovation Portfolio: Balancing short-term and long-term innovation projects, Diversifying risk and maximizing return on investment, Prioritizing projects and allocating resources effectively.

Partnering for Innovation: Identifying strategic partners for collaboration, Engaging with startups and academia for fresh insights, Utilizing open innovation and crowdsourcing platforms.


Morning Session:

Measuring Innovation Performance: Key performance indicators (KPIs) for innovation success, Monitoring and evaluating innovation efforts, Adjusting the innovation strategy based on outcomes and feedback.

Overcoming Innovation Barriers: Identifying common obstacles to innovation, Developing strategies for overcoming resistance and roadblocks, Fostering a resilient and adaptable organization.

Evening Session:

Scaling Innovation Across the Organization: Embedding innovation into daily operations and decision-making, Expanding successful innovation initiatives to other areas of the business, Encouraging knowledge sharing and collaboration for continuous improvement.

Panel Discussion and Best Practices Sharing: Invited experts and attendees share their experiences and insights on innovation strategy implementation, Open discussion on challenges and opportunities in specific industries and contexts, Identifying emerging trends and innovation best practices.