The three pilers of any organization is People, Process and Technology. With the advent of AI, risk of cyber attacks, competitive advantage from digital transformations, and efficiency of automation, we would argue that technology is the biggest enabler for business sustainability, let alone success. These engagements are crafted for leaders to engage in discourse on this dynamic field on a deeper level.

Innovation in action





This engagement targets the understanding of the basics of AI and machine learning for business, including algorithms and models used for training and prediction. The discussion will include methods to develop and implement AI-based solutions for various business problems.


Morning Session:

AI and Machine Learning Basics: Definition of AI and ML, History and evolution of AI and ML, Types of ML: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning and Neural Networks.

AI and ML in Business Context: Applications of AI and ML in various industries, Successful AI and ML use cases, AI and ML's impact on business operations and strategy.

Evening Session:

AI Ethics and Bias: Understanding ethical concerns in AI and ML implementation, Strategies for addressing bias and ensuring fairness.

Legal and regulatory considerations.


Morning Session:

AI-driven Data Analysis: Data management strategies for AI and ML. Feature engineering and data preprocessing. Model selection and evaluation.

AI-powered Decision Support Systems: Overview of decision support systems. AI integration in decision support systems. Real-world examples of AI-powered decision support systems.

Evening Session:

AI and ML for Competitive Advantage: Identifying AI and ML opportunities for differentiation. Evaluating and mitigating risks. Building an AI and ML-driven organization.

Implementing AI-driven Organizational Change: Strategies for organizational change management. Building a data-driven culture. Developing AI and ML talent within the organization.


Morning Session:

AI and ML Tools and Technologies: Overview of popular AI and ML platforms and tools. Selecting the right tools for your organization. Hands-on exercises with AI and ML tools.

AI and ML Strategy Development: Defining an AI and ML vision for your organization. Assessing organizational readiness for AI and ML adoption. Developing a roadmap for AI and ML implementation.

Evening Session:

Identifying AI and ML opportunities in the organizations

Developing an action plan for AI and ML implementation

Peer review and feedback on action plans


Protecting organizations from cyber threats, is typically a reactive, rather than proactive, activity. This engagement includes how to identify vulnerabilities, implement security measures, and respond to security incidents, all while making business sense from any associated investments.


Morning Session:

Cyber Security Basics: Definition and goals of cyber security. Common cyber threats and attack vectors. Key cyber security concepts: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Cyber Security in a Business Context: The role of cyber security in organizational strategy. The impact of cyber threats on businesses and industries. Cyber security regulations and compliance.

Evening Session:

Risk Management and Cyber Security: Understanding risk management in cyber security. Assessing and prioritizing cyber risks. Strategies for mitigating and managing cyber risks.


Morning Session:

Cyber Security Strategy Development: Defining a cyber security vision for your organization. Aligning cyber security strategy with business objectives. Developing a cyber security roadmap and action plan.

Cyber Security Technologies and Best Practices: Overview of popular cyber security tools and technologies. Implementing effective security controls and best practices. Ensuring security in cloud and remote environments.

Evening Session:

Building a Cyber Security Culture: Fostering a security-aware organizational culture. Developing effective security training and awareness programs. Encouraging security-conscious behavior among employees.

Cyber Security Leadership and Governance: The role of executive leadership in cyber security. Establishing effective cyber security governance structures. Collaborating with external partners and stakeholders.


Morning Session:

Incident Response and Crisis Management: Developing an incident response plan. Roles and responsibilities in incident response. Communicating and managing crises during a cyber security incident.

Action Planning: Identifying cyber security opportunities and challenges in the organization. Developing an action plan for enhancing cyber security. Peer review and feedback on action plans.

Evening Session:

Introduction to selected cyber security tools and platforms.

Discussions and reflections



Using technology can transform the way organizations operate, including their business models, processes, and customer engagement. The discussion will shed light on how to identify opportunities for digital transformation, develop a roadmap for change, and manage the process of transformation.


Morning Session:

Digital Transformation Basics: Definition and goals of digital transformation. The role of technology in digital transformation. Key digital technologies: cloud computing, IoT, AI, big data, and blockchain.

Digital Transformation in a Business Context: Applications of digital transformation in various industries. Successful digital transformation use cases. Digital transformation's impact on business operations and strategy.

Evening Session:

Organizational Culture and Digital Transformation: The importance of culture in successful digital transformation. Fostering innovation and agility within the organization. Employee engagement and change management.


Morning Session:

Digital Strategy Development: Assessing the organization's digital maturity. Identifying digital transformation opportunities and priorities. Developing a digital strategy and roadmap.

Implementing Digital Initiatives: Key components of successful digital initiatives. Managing digital projects and portfolios. Measuring and evaluating digital transformation outcomes.

Evening Session:

Cybersecurity and Risk Management: The importance of cybersecurity in digital transformation. Identifying and mitigating digital risks. Best practices for protecting digital assets and infrastructure.

Building a Digital Ecosystem: The role of partnerships and collaborations in digital transformation. Engaging with startups and other innovation partners. Navigating the digital vendor landscape.


Morning Session:

Digital Transformation Tools and Technologies: Overview of popular digital transformation platforms and tools. Selecting the right tools for your organization. Hands-on with digital transformation tools.

Digital Transformation Strategy Development: Defining a digital transformation vision for your organization. Assessing organizational readiness for digital transformation adoption. Developing a roadmap for digital transformation implementation.

Evening Session:

Identifying digital transformation opportunities in the organization.

Developing an action plan for digital transformation implementation.

Reflections and Feedback.



This engagement touches on using data to gain insights and make informed decisions. The discussion will include points such as how to collect, process, and analyze data, as well as how to use data to identify patterns and trends that can inform business strategy.


Morning Session:

Data Analysis Basics: Definition and goals of data analysis. Types of data: structured, unstructured, and semi-structured. Data collection and storage strategies.

Data Analysis in a Business Context: Applications of data analysis in various industries. Successful data analysis use cases. Data analysis impact on business operations and strategy.

Evening Session:

Data Governance and Ethics: Understanding data governance principles. Strategies for ensuring data privacy and security. Ethical considerations in data analysis.


Morning Session:

Data Preprocessing and Exploration: Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques. Exploratory data analysis (EDA). Data visualization tools and best practices.

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics: Overview of statistical concepts for data analysis. Descriptive statistics for summarizing data. Inferential statistics for decision making.

Evening Session:

Predictive Analytics and Forecasting: Introduction to predictive analytics and forecasting techniques. Time series analysis and forecasting models. Real-world applications of predictive analytics.

Data-Driven Decision-Making Frameworks: Introduction to decision-making frameworks. Integrating data analysis into strategic decision making. Developing data-driven culture within the organization.


Morning Session:

Data Analysis Tools and Technologies: Overview of popular data analysis platforms and tools. Selecting the right tools for your organization. Hands-on exercises with data analysis tools.

Data Analysis Strategy Development: Defining a data analysis vision for your organization. Assessing organizational readiness for data analysis adoption. Developing a roadmap for data analysis implementation.

Evening Session:

Identifying data analysis opportunities in the organization. Developing an action plan for data analysis implementation.

Reflections and Feedback.



This engagement is designed to discuss with leaders how to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks using software tools and techniques. The discussion covers topics such as process analysis, workflow design, software development, and integration with existing systems.


Morning Session:

Business Process Automation Basics: Definition and goals of BPA. Types of BPA: rule-based, AI-driven, and hybrid. Key BPA technologies: RPA, workflow automation, and intelligent automation.

BPA in a Business Context: Applications of BPA in various industries. Successful BPA use cases. BPA's impact on business operations and strategy.

Evening Session:

BPA Change Management: Understanding change management in BPA implementation. Strategies for successful BPA adoption. Addressing concerns and managing resistance.


Morning Session:

Identifying BPA Opportunities: Assessing organizational processes for automation potential. Process mapping and analysis techniques. Prioritizing processes for automation.

BPA Technologies and Tools: Overview of popular BPA platforms and tools. Selecting the right tools for your organization. Integration and interoperability with existing systems.

Evening Session:

Measuring BPA Success: Defining success metrics for BPA projects. Evaluating the ROI of BPA implementations. Continuous improvement and process optimization.

Developing BPA Capabilities: Building a BPA-focused organization. Upskilling and reskilling employees for BPA. Collaborating with external partners and vendors.


Morning Session:

BPA Strategy Development: Defining a BPA vision for your organization. Assessing organizational readiness for BPA adoption. Developing a roadmap for BPA implementation.

Action Planning Workshop: Identifying BPA opportunities in participants' organizations. Developing an action plan for BPA implementation. Peer review and feedback on action plans.

Evening Session:

Introduction to selected BPA tools.

Hands-on with BPA tools and platforms.

Reflections and Feedback.