Are you losing on growth potential?

50% of your staff are looking to resign (reference).

The rest who don't have the luxury of leaving, do the minimum required, or are disengaged with apathetic feelings (reference).

As a leader, if you don't recognize this as a catastrophic problem leading you to inefficient operations and lost opportunities at best, and eminent failure at worst;

if you truly still hold the worldview that everyone is replaceable, then please don't waste your time reading this piece and go back to checking your staff attendance reports, micromanagement, keeping your door closed, and maintaining a hierarchical and strictly process oriented organization.

There is a reason why successful companies such as Cisco, Google, and Accenture are attracting talent, because they have their employees at the centre of everything they do (reference).

They prioritised employee autonomy, well being, and inclusion. With no room for favouritism or partiality.

It is as clear as day that no amount of money or trendy office redesigns are going to keep good employees from leaving, or distressed employees from performing.

The problem? When talented ambitious people are living in a toxic corporate culture, make no mistake, they WILL leave.

Why? Because they have self respect. And you know why also? Because good companies will snatch them from you like a hungry lioness!

Leaders, I implore you to look deeper at your organization, think of your employees as human beings. Notice patterns of toxic bahaviour such as nepotism, passive agression, verbal abuse, and most of all, lack of creative freedom.

Why do I care? Because your organization might be employing a friend, a relative, or I might interact with your services at a point in time. Because your organization has the potential to make an impact on our world, and I want that impact to be big and beautiful.

People don't leave companies, they leave leaders and cultures. Companies won't survive without resources, and the most important resource a company can have, is its people.

Contact us today for an organizational assessment.


My best friend died, long live Benjamin!


Do You Belong?