TAX is coming in the GCC

Why do we even need TAX in the GCC? and why YOU should advocate for it!!!

Imagine your salary is unstable with a fluctuation rate of almost 90%, what would you do to cover your household expenses?

If your living expenses are AED 30K...

The UAE's annual expendature is AED 63B,

While the Saudi's annual expendature is SAR 1.13T !!!

Those are for building roads, healthcare, safety, you get the idea, keeping the lights on and putting food on the table!

When oil prices are at $20 per barrel, GCC countries lose over USD 554 million a day, therefore we can't let that happen, can we?

Only it did, it reached $17 / barrel in April of 2020! while it recovered to $120 in June of 2022, you can only imagine the tremors because of this fluctuation, and if you think this is an outlier, think again!

Because you are wise, you'd work extra hours, get your other half to support, do a side gig! As a household, y'all unite to avoid bankrupcy, wouldn't you?

TAX is a matter of national pride, contributing to the future of our home, finding strength in unity. It's an engine of growth, prosperity and wealth accumulation. It's not a burden; it's our shared commitment.

But would it work without dramatic productivity shifts by organizations?


The innovation deficit in the GCC


The Most Selfless Act is Self Care!