The Most Selfless Act is Self Care!

My daughter asked me once, 'Daddy, why do you keep working out every day?' My answer left her in tears!

We often think that being successful in life, attaining high positions, and living in posh spaces is how we can guarantee a good lifestyle for our loved ones. That could not be further from the truth!

It's like staying up to watch a movie or sleeping in through the morning to feel happy; instant gratification at the expense of delayed gratification.

A quick look at earlier generations tells us that they were extremely devoted to their loved ones. They worked double shifts and deprived themselves to cover schooling, medical bills, and other necessities, literally sacrificing their own lives. BUT...

What happens when the roles are reversed, and it's the loved ones' turn to take care of everything? Is it really fair to ask them to shoulder this burden? Is it right to expect the same from them in return? If I spent 20 years of my life caring for my child, is it really fair for my child to care for her sick father during his last 20 years on Earth?

It's a scary thought! If we are truly honest in our love, we would be selfless in our actions. In fact, so selfless that we won't eat that ice cream or sleep in that morning and will be adamant about staying young at heart, in body, and in mind for as long as we live. All so THEY can live their lives WITH us, not FOR us, until we pass away, healthy and happy!


TAX is coming in the GCC


My best friend died, long live Benjamin!