Let's Talk Social Media

The first thing in the morning most of us do is pick up our phones, even before we answer nature's call!

In 2012, we spent around an hour and a half connected. Now we spend over 4 hours everyday on social media, sharing, posting, browsing and liking. That is a lot of time, don't you think? Oh, and that is 3.8 billion of us! In spite of all the warnings, There is a constant increase in social media consumption both in number of users and time spent. and if we continue on this pace, it looks like we will live perminantly in it!

fun fact, young ladies are the highest users of social media!

So what is the deal with social media?

A number of published studies report issues related to stress, mood, anxiety and depression, sleep, addiction, self-esteem, general well-being, jealousy, envy, and loneliness, to name a few, these researches and others suggest that these issues are either caused by or related to social media, or so they say!

You see, any research done at this point couldn't be conclusive. social media is relatively new, and therefore findings would be limited. Most of the researches rely on self reporting which is often flawed. Besides, multiple social media platforms are popping up every now and then, and the impact could be different from using one to the other. The real impact however is really up to every one of us individually to assess.

But Why do scientists suggest we have problems with social media?

You've probably heard of Dopamine, a natural chemical hormone released in our brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a messenger between our neurons that travels along the rewards lane! Its main goal is to make you and I happy! Think of it as this annoying child, who once you give him candy, will nag your brains out to give him another one!

Simply speaking Dopamine is the culprit behind drug, alcohol, and sugar addiction, but also for exercise, food and love as well.

When happiness is delivered randomly and is expected instantly, dopamine triggered behaviour becomes a habit!

There is this dark side of social media, that keeps on pulling us down into negative Comparisons, wanting what others have, longing for instant and quantity feedback and attention, all this generates mild brain electric shocks that stimulates us into wanting more!

But there is a bright side to social media, think about how many fund raisers took place which saved lives and in some cases entire villages.

Think about how in challenging times, social media helped connect families and friends together.

How many were able to express their creativity and share their experiences for others to learn from.

Image how small family businesses are thriving because of social media.

How many ideas were shared that sparked breakthrough innovations.

Without social media, reporting unfortunate and sad events wouldn't be possible, social media helps get massive attention and sheds light on the suffering of minorities.

And all the wealth of information from thought leaders that is readily available too, and for free.

It is unfair to discount all of these benefits, and label social media as bad, or even good. Social media is exactly that, a medium. Much like radio, television or even air. If someone is speaking a foul language, we don't blame the air. And it is our choice to keep listening or not!

I agree when you go to a restaurant that offers good food, but smells bad, chances are you will not eat from that place, fortunately, we are not eating here, are we?

Think about where you get your information from, This is the time of spam and misinformation! We need to be selective and critical about the information we consume, from any source.

As a general guideline, if social media is used as a past time activity, chances are we will end up going down the rabbit hole, which will do more harm than good. Start by deciding on a purpose, a goal, whether to learn a new skill, connect with a family or a real friend, or help someone in need, then mindfully pursue that goal with focus and intent.

So, It is not about the time consumed by social media, it is about the content consumed!

Manage your energy, and how you spend it on doing good for others, not your time. Because time will pass, and it doesn't care about any of us.


What do you want the most?


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