I woke up at 4 am for 7 years!

Time, we all need more of it, but can we add more time on top of the daily 24 hours we have? One of the non-negotiable blocked time from the 24 hours is sleep, whether you wake up early or not.

Getting enough sleep is very important, and science defines "enough" for adults as 7 to 8 hours of good night sleep everyday. Although some think it is macho to sleep less than that!

To get more time, I decided to start waking up at 4am, everyday including the weekends! That was a horrible idea!

My hustle starts every morning as I drag myself out of bed. The warm blanket feels heavier than a boulder. Sometimes I press the snooze button without realizing it. To me waking up early is about discipline more than about early morning productivity. As a matter of fact there are days I don't get productive until hours after I woke up.

I wake up at 4AM, drink my glass of warm water with apple cider vinegar, and then sit and try to read or write. The best uninterrupted time ever! Doesn't always mean most productive though.

I try to get a workout done at least 5 out of the 7 days of week at 7AM.

Waking up this early can get socially awkward, it'll be like living in a different time zone. But to me, my health and wellness, mentally and physically is a priority.

Discipline is the most important thing in my life, and waking up this early is a daily reminder to stay disciplined, not just for my sake, but for the sake of everyone who relies on me at home, and at work!

Stopping to look at the short term happiness and focusing on long term goals, is what will get me ahead of the curve. Every morning I wake up their is a decision I need to make, either I take a stroke towards the shore, or stay were I am and drown.

Whether you wake up at 4AM, 5AM, or at anytime is not the point, the point is to define your goals, and march towards them with passion and intention.

Mike Tyson said, "I run at 4am because I know my opponent is sleeping. It gives me an edge.", I like that mentality. Put in the work, don't just sit and wait for results.


A letter to my younger self


What do you want the most?